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Unlocking the Power of WIIFM: Shifting the Focus from Features and Benefits

Writer's picture: BKBK

In the sales world, we often find ourselves fixated on features, benefits, mission statements, and visions, all centred around our businesses. We proudly tout how great we are, why we outshine the competition, and why our longevity makes us more trustworthy. But let's be honest here – our customers couldn't care less about us.

Why? Because it's narcissistic. It's all about us and our companies, and that's not what truly resonates with our customers. As someone who has been a part of the sales game for over 30 years, I used to enthusiastically showcase my company's offerings, hoping that my excitement would lead prospects to "see the light" and buy from me. But deep down, I wasn't always sure why they made the purchase, and I was just grateful they did.

I used to get pumped up by our monthly staff meetings, those snazzy marketing brochures, and the sales training sessions that hammered features, benefits, and value propositions into our heads. However, I've realized that prospects aren't fans of generic pitches; they can spot them from a mile away. Today's sales professionals need a healthy dose of empathy and curiosity.

To connect with your prospects, put yourself in their shoes and ask, "How would I feel if I were in this situation?" Understand their pressing needs and the consequences of not addressing those needs.

For example, Volvo is often hailed as the safest car on the market. Safety is a feature, and the benefit is clear – you're less likely to suffer fatal injuries in a crash. While that's impressive, it doesn't resonate with me as an individual consumer. I want to know: What's In It For Me (WIIFM)?

It could be saving money through reduced insurance premiums. It could be peace of mind, knowing that my family is safer. The key here is that the features and benefits aren't the primary reasons for buying the vehicle. The driving force behind the purchase decision is "What Is In It For Me," which stems from all the unique experiences that have shaped who you are.

So, here's a dose of tough love – stop talking about yourself because I don't care. I care about what you and your product can do for me. WIIFM should be your guiding principle as you sell your products, services, and ideas.

Make me feel special; address my concerns; tailor your solution to my needs. By doing so, you'll win my business today and secure it for the future.

Bernard Kuhn

Sales Strategist | Solopreneur and SMB Catalyst | Fractional Sales Leadership

Honest and informed sales advice that speaks to your gut, aligns with your principles, and reflects what I stand for.


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